28 June 2008
I have had such an awesome time being stuck in Olimpos for six days! Oh my god it has been torture! Not! I had the first few days to relax before Vanessa rang me and said that I had no one on my bus to Egirdir and that Cat had quit and I’d be in Olimpos for another three days! That of course was enough time for the crazy crew I had been traveling with to catch up with me.
I had three really cool 19 year old English guys who are studying at Oxford turn up that day, Tom, Tom and Rob. So I went out and partied with them all night at the Bull Bar. They ended up “Dancing to Household Tasks” which was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I roped Rob into dancing with me and his two mates mercilessly took pictures of him!
The next day Risto and Cam showed up, who are without a doubt the craziest passengers I’ve ever had and two of the most fun guys I’ve ever met in my life! I ended up having a massive night out with them at the Bull Bar, true bogans just like me. I ended up dancing on the Bull Bar yet again and with no hesitation what so ever, Risto joined in. I danced with him all night, he piked out at about two and Cam and I virtually ended up being the last two standing.
We attempted to search for Risto for about a half hour, as Cam had the only key to their tree house, before we ended up drinking Vodka with some random Turkish guys outside the Hangar Bar. Well, Cam did, I was already well shitfaced by that stage.

The next day Cam and Risto went off to Antalya to grab their hire car, an adventure which ended up lasting them all day. When they got back they decided to drive up to the Chimera Flames, at about 10pm. I went with them and helped out with directions. Wow, I’m still stunned that I’m always the navigator in all my crazy adventures! We got to the site and hiked up about half way before finding some of the people from Risto and Cam’s Gulet cruise off in the distance. We turned off our lights and hid in the bushes making growling noises…they nearly died! We continued hiking up to the flames and basically had them all to ourselves.
The sky was amazing and you couldn’t look in any direction without seeing something amazing. Cam videoed me giving a spiel about the history of the site and what it was about and then we ended up sitting around the flames watching videos, including one that Cam made of Risto when he eventually found him sleeping outside their cabin….Ristos Magnanimous! Absolutely hysterical. We hiked back down and drove back to Kadir’s, we then went off to Orange Bar to check that out, but it wasn’t as good as the Bull Bar. We went over to Bayrams to hang out with Risto and Cam’s gulet crew for a bit and we then went off home, but not before Cam had tried a sheep’s intestines kebab.
We got back to Kadir’s and Cam and Risto went to bed….they said they’d be disappointed if I didn’t head off to the Bull Bar. So not to disappoint my awesome new mates that’s exactly what I did. You all know me above and beyond the call of duty!