9 August 2008
Well now comes the end, I’ve decided to come home. For many reasons as some of you know and some of you don’t. I miss Ben like mad and I’ve had enough of crazy bus drivers falling asleep at the wheel. Of course there’s much more to it that than but there will be plenty of time for all that when I get home.
I will miss all the new friends I’ve made and sometimes getting paid to have fun, but I simply can’t take the sheer incompetence and lack of accountability that is working for Fez Travel. I’ve had my life placed in danger by these dodgy contract bus drivers more times than I care to mention, and the owner just blames the tour leader all the time. In this job, you accept that you are either waking up to the best day of your life or one of the worst. Unfortunately, it has become the later more often than not rather than the former. I didn’t sign up for this crap and I’m hardly getting paid enough to deal with the problems of epic proportions that seem to confront me on an almost daily basis!
I had an absolutely massive send-off thanks to the guys in Olimpos, especially Harry who kept putting twice as much alcohol into the Harry’s specials he was making me! I didn’t take any photos of the night, but I fear Jane has heaps of messy photos of me, Tim and Harry dancing on the top level of the Bull Bar in front of the giant fan!

I’m now in Goreme and had a big night at Turkish night with a great crew. I got picked for Belly Dancing yet again, which was totally awesome as usual, we all know how I love that! I then went to Pacha Bar afterwards and drank lots of free Jack Daniels and the guys there made it a totally awesome night. They played all my favourite music and I got to dance to Rage Against the Machine in my favourite pub!
I was of course the last to leave, I got back to my cave at about 4am.
The driver I have on this run back to Istanbul is next level. He’s just so angry, he actually scares me and the passengers. I’m worried about doing 9-hours on the bus with him. I told my friend Zafer and he went an had words with him. My last long drive with this company and I can’t even sleep (this is the only section I’m allowed to sleep on) or enjoy it in anyway. I usually love sitting upfront and watching the endless stretch of road in the darkness, usually listening to Metallica’s “Turn the page” on my headphones. The Irony.